Come see the movie everyone is talking about.
I just saw this movie, "America the Beautiful," this weekend at USD, and I must say, everyone should see it! It's rated R for some explicit content (so i guess not everyone should see it), but the movie does a fanstic job at portraying America's obsession with beauty and how it's destroyed the lives of both men and women.
"In America the Beautiful we see how increasingly unattainable images contribute greatly to the rise in low self-esteem, body dismorphia, and eating disorders for young women and girls who also happen to be the beauty industry’s largest consumers. Who actually benefits from this high-priced journey towards this ideal? Is corporate America’s bottom line so important that it justifies a nation’s psychosis? What are the true costs of our obsession with youth, beauty, and a slender physique?"
I cried my eyes out during certain scenes, particularly where the 3-5 year old little girls were asking if they were beautiful, or when the 9 year old said she was ugly, just because she "new it" to be true. Ahhhhhh! LORD! Help! What are we doing to your precious beautiful children!
Especially if you are struggling with self-esteem yourself, take a look at the reason why - we are swimming in a fish bowl of unhealthy ideals! The messages and images are all around us, pumping into our eyes and ears all day long. And this movie makes that point abundantly clear. We must know the Truth in order to push past this propaganda and embrace the pure and wonderful beauty that we all naturally possess.
This movie is offered through netflix streaming so you can watch it anytime!
To find out more about this movie, the filmmakers, testimonials, or to watch the trailer, etc... go to
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